My ex spouse is requesting my 2023 1095-A form. She gets to claim both children on tax return each year. We separated Nov 2022.
I provide health ins coverage for both children, my current spouse and myself for 2023. My ex never asked for my 2022 1095-A which she was on it, along with both my children so I found it odd she is demanding my 2023 1095-A. I asked her why and she said for proof the children had insurance. I'd like some wisdom on why she needs my 2023 1095-A. I don't trust her as the 1095-A forms has sensitive information like our social.
I understand your concerns. Since you were married I am sure she has all of your sensitive information from tax returns you filed in the past.
I don't see the need to provide her with the 1095A if your divorce decree indicates you are covering the insurance for both of your children. I don't understand why she would be requesting this information from you as she would be filing her tax returns.
I hope this helps,
Jeanne Adams, CPA
Firestone, CO

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